i KNow that GUY!
Hey there. I have watched it once again and this time i know enough to review!
Some people on here are rEALLY dumb. jeez. do they not know that it is an Ff6 movie?
*where is teh pl0t laine?* jeez.
I agree about the long intro, but what can you do i guess? fitting it to the music is what you did.
Graphics and style I ranked accodingly, cause your style is very original. I can always recognize when it is your stuff, and its things like that which give stuff an authors sense of *individual tone*. Your graphic style is lower on standard than others, but I still have learned to love it immensely.
Your skills in flash have improved quite a bit! I loved the camera angles and shots you chose to execute (Birds eye view, split screen, direct shot switch to back third person) - some transfers were a bit choppy but i dont care.
-- someone brought up a good point, how it appears they were moving VERY fast. sometimes there was quite a hover, and a big pick up in speed, but once again i dont care.
I love this song, and it was a good choice. I think leaving out the sound effects was another good choice, but the movie was long enough to where you would get tired of the little amounts of sound.
Good violence. Small bit of humour, cause those dudes got blAsted. ZOW. *Theese calls for shum shweppes!*
1 on interactivity, cause i gotta click - play - and the option of watching AGAIn OR downloading the song. but what can ya do?!?
I agree with others, 'I cant wait til you are pro!' .. soo get to and keep workin!
Overall - Your combination of unique style and excellent techniques as an amature provide an enjoyable movie experience, with only a couple errors. I will speak with you later.